Since trading with seashells and gold coins 3000 years ago, human have always exchanged value through a medium. In the 21st Century, cryptocurrency is the modern choice for many to act as a store of value, unit of account and medium for exchange. Find out more about our crypto offerings below.
Crypto Exchange
We have developed on own independent cryptocurrency exchange. Visit to start trading. Alternatively, let us know how you and your company would like to get involved in crypto.
Asset Management
Explore tailored digital asset solutions provided by Knightbridge Digital, designed specifically for sophisticated asset managers and investors, such as hedge funds, family offices, proprietary trading firms, liquidity providers, brokers, and others.
OTC & Execution
Our OTC and Execution Solutions platform is committed to offering professional services and state-of-the-art technology to cater to the needs of both private and institutional clients. It is the preferred option for block trades, secure settlements, and competitive pricing.
Corporate Level Soluton
Improve your asset allocation and capital efficiency with a versatile account structure that adapts to your preferences.
Efficiently execute and manage large orders across multiple accounts using a powerful order management system and API endpoints.
Access reports on trade history and account balance, and easily share them with external stakeholders.
Monitor account risks effortlessly and modify trading strategies in real-time based on your risk tolerance.
Enhance security by employing permission controls and customizing access rights for various sub-accounts and users.